Why Are My Acrylic Nails Popping Off?

Why are my acrylic nails popping off? Acrylic nails have grown in popularity due to their ability to provide long-lasting, durable, and fashionable nail enhancements. However, it can be extremely frustrating when your acrylic nails begin to pop off unexpectedly. In this article, we will look at the most common reasons why acrylic nails pop off and offer practical solutions to help you avoid this problem.

I. Why Are Acrylic Nails Popping Off?

1. Insufficient Nail Preparation:

One of the primary reasons for acrylic nails popping off is insufficient nail preparation. When the natural nails are not properly cleaned and prepped, the adhesion between the acrylic and the nail bed becomes weak, leading to lifting and eventual detachment. It is crucial to thoroughly clean and dehydrate the natural nails, remove excess cuticles, and lightly buff the nail surface before applying acrylic nails.

2. Improper Application Technique:

Using an incorrect application technique can also result in acrylic nails popping off. Applying too much or too little acrylic, improper liquid-to-powder ratios, and failure to apply thin, even layers can lead to weak bonds and lifting. It is essential to follow proper acrylic application techniques, including using the right amount of liquid and powder, applying thin layers, and ensuring adequate curing time for each layer.

3. Moisture Exposure:

Excessive exposure to moisture is another common factor that can cause acrylic nails to pop off. Water, frequent hand washing, and prolonged submersion can weaken the acrylic and compromise the adhesive bond. To prevent this, it is advisable to protect your nails by wearing gloves while performing household chores or washing dishes. Additionally, minimizing prolonged contact with water and thoroughly drying the nails after exposure can help maintain the integrity of the acrylic nails.

4. Natural Nail Growth:

As your natural nails grow, the gap between the acrylic and the cuticle increases. This growth can create stress on the acrylic nails, making them more prone to lifting and popping off. To address this, it is crucial to schedule regular maintenance appointments to get fills or infills every 2-3 weeks. During these appointments, the nail technician will fill in the gap, ensuring a secure bond between the natural nail and the acrylic.

5. Using Low-Quality Products:

Using low-quality acrylic products can also contribute to acrylic nails popping off. Inferior products may not provide the necessary strength and adhesion required for long-lasting results. It is important to invest in high-quality acrylic products from reputable brands. By using reliable products and ensuring proper storage, you can maintain the integrity of your acrylic nails and reduce the risk of them popping off prematurely.

II. How to Prevent Acrylic Nails from Popping Off

Step 1:

Proper Nail Preparation To prevent acrylic nails from popping off, it is essential to prioritize proper nail preparation:

  • Thoroughly clean and sanitize your natural nails before applying acrylic.
  • Remove excess cuticles using a cuticle pusher or trimmer.
  • Gently buff the nail surface to create a rough texture for better adhesion.
  • Use a nail dehydrator or primer to remove any remaining oils and improve bonding.

Step 2:

Using High-Quality Products Investing in high-quality acrylic products is crucial for long-lasting and secure acrylic nails:

  • Purchase acrylic liquid and powder from reputable brands.
  • Ensure compatibility between the liquid and powder for optimal results.
  • Store the products properly in a cool, dry place to maintain their effectiveness.

Step 3:

Applying Acrylic Nails Correctly Proper application techniques are vital to ensure a strong bond and prevent lifting:

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for mixing the liquid and powder to achieve the correct consistency.
  • Apply the acrylic using thin, even layers, building up the desired thickness gradually.
  • Avoid getting acrylic on the skin or cuticles, as this can cause lifting.
  • Allow each layer to dry and cure properly before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4:

Protecting Nails from Excessive Moisture Excessive moisture can weaken the adhesive bond of acrylic nails, leading to lifting. Follow these steps to protect your nails:

  • Wear gloves when engaging in activities involving water, such as washing dishes or cleaning.
  • Avoid exposing your nails to prolonged periods of water or moisture.
  • Dry your nails thoroughly after any contact with water to prevent moisture accumulation.

Step 5:

Regular Maintenance and Refills Regular maintenance is crucial for maintaining the integrity of acrylic nails and preventing them from popping off:

  • Schedule regular appointments with a professional nail technician for fills or infills every 2-3 weeks.
  • During these appointments, the technician will fill in the gap between the cuticle and the acrylic, ensuring a secure bond.
  • Address any signs of lifting or damage during the maintenance sessions to prevent further issues.
  • Trim and shape your nails as needed to maintain their appearance and reduce stress on the acrylic.

By following these preventive measures and incorporating proper nail preparation, high-quality products, correct application techniques, moisture protection, and regular maintenance, you can significantly reduce the chances of your acrylic nails popping off and enjoy long-lasting, beautiful nails.


In conclusion, preventing acrylic nails from popping off requires a combination of proper nail preparation, using high-quality products, applying acrylic nails correctly, protecting nails from excessive moisture, and regular maintenance. By taking these preventive measures, you can ensure that your acrylic nails stay securely in place, providing you with long-lasting and beautiful results.

Start by thoroughly preparing your natural nails, ensuring they are clean, dry, and free of excess cuticles. Invest in high-quality acrylic products from reputable brands and store them properly to maintain their effectiveness. Follow correct application techniques, applying thin, even layers of acrylic and allowing proper curing time between each layer.

To protect your nails from excessive moisture, wear gloves while engaging in activities involving water and ensure your nails are thoroughly dried after any contact with water. Regular maintenance appointments for fills or infills every 2-3 weeks will help address natural nail growth and maintain a secure bond between the natural nail and the acrylic.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of acrylic nails popping off and enjoy long-lasting, secure, and stunning nails. Remember to prioritize proper nail care and maintenance to keep your acrylic nails looking fabulous.